Um, you can get shoes at Goodwill

Today I learned that my student who carries a Justin Bieber notebook does not do so in earnest.  I am relieved.

I learned that the library rule about not putting your bare feet on the table did not make it into the Harvard orientation packet.

And today I learned that every time you want to say “um”, you should replace it with a breath.  You will sound smarter.  If you say “um” as much as I do, you may also pass out, but nobody ever said you should be conscious for grad school.

  1. Justin Bieber as a cultural phenomenon is a bit weird, but there are some good pop songs at the core of it, so I’m willing to forgive a lot.

    • Annie D.
    • October 16th, 2010

    This kid actually said that he carries the notebook “mostly” ironically. Mostly because he “sort of respects his pop decisions”. Or something like that. I did not press the issue.

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